Terms and Conditions

Marmovanrealestate.com expressly reserves the right to modify the present Legal Notice. The user acknowledges and accepts that it is their responsibility to review the Website and this Legal Notice.

User Acceptance
This Legal Notice regulates the access and use of the Marmovanrealestate.com website available to Internet users. The user shall be understood as the person who accesses, browses, uses, or participates in the services and activities of the website. The access and navigation of a user imply the unreserved acceptance of this Legal Notice.


The person in charge and owner of this website is:

  • Name: Marmovan Real Estate
  • Registered Address: Avenida México 24, Bucerias, México.
  • Website activity: dissemination of informative content related to real estate.
  • Email: hello @ marmovanrealestate.com

The data provided with your consent will be incorporated into an automated file duly registered with the Mexican Agency for Data Protection, whose controller is Marmovan Real Estate.

Use of the website

The user agrees to use Marmovanrealestate.com, the contents, and services in accordance with the Law, this Legal Notice, good customs, and public order. Likewise, the User undertakes not to use it for illicit purposes or effects or contrary to the content of this Legal Notice, harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable or deteriorate the website or its services or impede the normal enjoyment of the website by other Users.
The user agrees not to hinder the access of other users to the access service through the massive consumption of the computer resources through which the service is provided, as well as to carry out actions that damage, interrupt, or generate errors in said systems or services. The user agrees to use appropriate use of content and services and not to use them to engage in illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith.

Limitation of guarantees and responsibility

Marmovanrealestate.com is committed to trying to avoid any errors in the content that may appear on the Web. In any case, Marmovanrealestate.com will be exempt from any responsibility derived from errors in the contents that may appear on the Web, provided that they are not attributable to it.

Intellectual and Industrial Property. All rights reserved.

All the intellectual and industrial property rights of the website, as well as its contents (texts, images, sounds, audio, video, designs, creativities, software), belong to Marmovanrealestate.com.
The reproduction, distribution, and public communication, including the way in which it is made available, of all or part of the contents of this website for commercial purposes, in any medium, and by any technical means, without authorization, is expressly prohibited. The user agrees to respect the Industrial and Intellectual Property rights owned by Marmovanrealestate.com and third parties.
The user will be able to view all the elements, print them, copy them, and store them on the hard drive of their computer or on any other physical support provided that it is, solely and exclusively, for their personal and private use, and their use is therefore strictly prohibited. for commercial purposes, its distribution, modification, alteration, or decompilation.

Responsibility for third-party content and links

Marmovanrealestate.com is not responsible for the legality of third-party web pages from which the portal can be accessed. Marmovanrealestate.com is not responsible for the legality of third-party websites that may be linked from this portal.
Marmovanrealestate.com will not be responsible for the use that third parties make of the information published on the portal, nor for the economic damages that, directly or indirectly, produce or may produce economic, material, or data damages caused by the use of said information.

Applicable Law

The applicable legislation in case of litigation or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any matter related to the services of this portal, will be Mexican legislation.

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